Are you an adult or teen who would like to be baptized?
Are you a baptized adult who missed confirmation as a teen?
Maybe you are married to a Catholic, or raising your children as Catholics, and each time you come to church with them, you want to receive communion too!
Perhaps something else was happening in your family when you were a teenager, and you never made confirmation! Maybe, your parents held off on baptizing you as a child, so that you could choose your own faith tradition as an adult-- and now, you'd like to join our Church. In any of these circumstances, you are not alone!
Every year, there are many adults just like you who join the Church at Easter, through the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) By this time, next year, you could be a fully initiated member of our faith community.
The experience begins in Early November.
Please call the office or email us now for more information: [email protected]
BIBLE STUDY is a program where small groups of parishioners meet to study a particular book of the Bible and discuss its impact on their lives. The book we will be studying this Fall and Winter is Luke’s Gospel. We use the Little Rock Scripture Series for our text. Registration for this study is in September and is announced in the church bulletin.
SUNDAY TO SUNDAY is a small study group that focuses on the readings of the following Sunday. Background on the readings is presented and reflection on our current times. This is held in the context of prayer and discussion.
LIVING THE EUCHARIST is a Small Christian Communities form during Lent to learn about and discuss the true meaning of the Mass. Our parish provides trained facilitators, and participants booklets. Each Lent these groups are reformed. Learn about the rituals and symbols of the Mass Participate more fully in the Sacrament by praying with the Scripture for the upcoming Sunday in a way that makes it come alive. Enjoy the company of other parishioners as you connect more deeply with your faith community and grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ.
A PARISH RETREAT DAY AND EVENING OF REFLECTION are offered during Advent and Lent each year. These opportunities are offered to give our parishioners an opportunity for quiet, reflection, and focus on some aspect of spirituality as they enter the holy season.
A PARISH MISSION IS OFFERED DURING THE YEAR AT VARIOUS TIMES. The bulletin announces the times and themes.
PARISH WIDE FAITH FESTIVALS are offered periodically during the year focused on a theme of event. Our Bulletin gives details of coming events.