Pope Francis states in Amoris Laetitia, 243:
“It is important that the divorced who have entered a new union should be made to feel part of the Church.” He continues to say that the divorced and re-married are welcomed, included and encouraged to participate in the community of the Catholic church.
Group Support
DivorceCare is a group of people who meet to discuss the challenges of divorce. Through weekly meetings, DivorceCare members work together towards healing and hope.
An annulment declares that although a marriage did occur, a binding commitment was not made when the two parties were married. The process seeks to determine if there is significant reason to declare that the marriage is invalid. At the time of marriage, coercion, lack of consent, intentional unwillingness to remain faithful, lack of openness to children or the intent to defraud are some of the reasons why a marriage could receive a declaration of nullity after some exploration. The process requires initiative on behalf of one of the parties and their willingness to participate throughout the process by supplying information and witnesses. While there are administrative costs associated with the annulment process, the judicial services of the Church are open to all people, regardless of their financial means.
The first step in the annulment process is to contact our parish, and request to speak with a priest or deacon regarding an annulment. Ordinarily, this would happen after you have received a decree of divorce. The parish can provide you with forms that you are asked to complete so that your process can begin. You will also need to compile the other basic documents, including your marriage license and decree of divorce which are listed here. Additionally, you will need to identify a few friends or relatives who knew about the nature of your relationship before you were married. These friends and family are called witnesses, and as witnesses they are able to contribute information about your case in person, via questionaire or on the telephone. The tribunal may or may not declare a marriage invalid, however, you can help the process move along by providing thorough, honest, accurate information, and presenting witnesses who are willing participate.
To learn more about annulments in the Camden Diocese, click here.